Counselling About Condoms

Hello, friends on this topic the Condom word is used but if we look back in my other post I always talk about Correct, Consistent use of Condoms I think all are very well known about the use of condoms in a day to day life of human beings who are above the age of 14, that what is the use of condom and where it is used. so we are here to talk about condoms I will give in detail about why Correct, Consistent condom use is very important in STI/RTI&HIV/AIDS counselling.

What is Condom?

A condom is a rubber sheath used on the erect penis before any sexual contact is made

Use of condoms: 

A condom acts as a barrier preventing the contact between ineffective secretion i.e. semen, or genital fluids, vaginal fluids and the mucus membrane of the vagina, anus, glans, penis, or urethra thus condom prevent the transmission of STI/HIV infection because after ejaculation the semen is collected in the tip of the condom.

1-To prevent unwanted pregnancy.
2-To protect oneself and one's partner against STI/HIV.
3-To enhance the pleasure associated with sex.

'See friends in how many ways condom are useful for individuals but still peoples not use condoms and infections are increasing while doing counselling' I have noted that peoples are having myth about condom which I am sharing in this post.

1. Use of condoms while having sex feels irritating.
2. Condoms gets torn during sex.
3. Condom is sticky and oily(were to wash in an emergency)
4. Condom reduces sexual pleasure.
5. Women doesn't like it.
6. Loss of erection.
7. Those men who use them are not "manly"
8. Feel ashamed to buy it from a shop.

Counsellor's Role in Condom promotion in STI Clinic

1. Counsellor should make condoms available in the clinic and easily accessible to people who need them,

2. Explain the use of condoms as a part of the treatment of STI.

3. Keep the penis model in the clinic and ask the client how to use the condom correctly by we will find that most of the people are ignorant about its correct use.

4. Keep the condoms visible to the client.

5. Distribute free condoms,20 pieces to each patient.

6. Ensure those who are involved in sex work have an adequate stock of free condoms to protect themselves.

7. Display and distribute information on STI and HIV/AIDS and condom uses

8. Explain how to check the Quality of a condom and why it's important? i.e. its expiry date, lubricated or not if not checked then the condom will be torn at the time of sexual intercourse. 

Types of condoms

1. Male Condom. These are easily available

2. Female Condom(Femidom) is costly and easily not available

Condom Use & Disposal

By this chart, it will be very easy to understand its use and how to dispose of:

More information  on using Male Condom

Steps For Using Male Condoms:-

1. Check the package and the expiry date on the condom cover:-If the package is torn or damaged or the expiry date is passed than not use the condom.

2. Open it carefully and take out the condom:-Don't use any sharp instrument, teeth or scissors for opening. One can do it using fingers

3. Put the Condom on fully erect penis:- If not roll smoothly, it may be the wrong side out check it.

4. Pinch the tip, place the condom on the tip of the penis and roll it down the length of the erect penis:-This is to check air inside if not  air inside the condom can cause friction and it will break the 

5. Add water-based lubricants to the outside of the condom if more is wanted:-Too much will cause the condom to slip off,

6. Pull the penis out after ejaculation, before the penis becomes soft:-The condom is more likely to slip off and spill if the penis is soft Hold onto the condom at the base of the penis while pulling out.

7. Remove the condom without spilling any liquid from inside, use a tissue to avoid touching inside or outside of condom that has had contact with body fluids Wrap used condom in a tissue/paper and dispose of it in dustbin/garbage.

Don't Flush in toilets as a condom can choke plumbing pipes.


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